Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Theodore Sedgwick, 2 November 1788

From Theodore Sedgwick

Boston. 2. Novr. 1788

My dear sir,

In my last hasty letter,1 I engaged to write you soon after my arrival in this town.2 Various questions will be agitated in the legislature (of considerable magnitude) which respect the orginization of the government. There is a party of federalists, who are of opinion that the electors should ⟨be chosen⟩ by the people, and the rep⟨resentatives⟩ not in districts but at large. These ⟨will⟩ be joined by all the antis probably. I yet hope they will not succeed. We yesterday committed to a committee of both houses the circular letter from your convention.3 The event is uncertain as a considerable number of federalists have been brought over to the amendment system, the prospect is not withstanding that the real friends of the constitution will prevail. Every thing depends upon it; and the exertion will be proportionate to the magnitude of the object.

Should the electors be chosen by the legislature, Mr. Adams will probably combine all the votes of Massachusetts. I am very certain that the suggestion that he is unfriendly to general Washington is entirely unfounded. Mr. Hancock has been very explicit in patronising the doctrine ⟨of⟩ amendment. The other gentleman is for postponing the conduct of that business untill it shall be understood from experience.

With respectful compts. to Mrs. Hamilton & affecte. regards to yourself   I am dear sir   Your most obedt. servt.

Theodore Sedgwick

The Hon. Mr. Hamilton

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

2Sedgwick had gone to Boston to attend the Massachusetts House of which he was speaker.

3See “New York Ratifying Convention. Circular Letter to the Governors of the Several States,” July 26, 1788. The circular was sent by the New York Ratifying Convention to the several states recommending that a general convention be called to consider amendments to the Constitution.

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