To Alexander Hamilton from Callohill Minnes, 17 September 1788
From Callohill Minnes1
Fairfield, Virginia, September 17, 1788. Writes concerning “the settlement of Col. Wm. Aylett’s2 public accounts as deputy commissary general.” Asks Hamilton to block any resolution in Congress that would prevent the settlement of these accounts.
ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
1. Minnes, who had served as an officer in the Continental Army during the American Revolution, was taken prisoner at Charleston, South Carolina in May, 1780. After his release he had returned to his home in Virginia.
2. William Aylett was deputy commissary general of stores from April, 1776, to June, 1777. From June, 1777, until July, 1782, he was deputy commissary general of purchases.