Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Baron von Steuben, 5 September 1788

From Baron von Steuben

Ce 5 de septr: 1788.


La lettre cy joint de Mr: R: Petters,1 contienne une preuve, non Equivoque, que dans mes prémieres application & immediatement après la Paix, j’ai appuyer mes pretentions aux E. U. sur une stipulation ou Contract fait en Entrent dans Leurs Service.2 Comme Vous etiez de cette Même Committe à Philadelphie; je m’en rapporte a Votre Memoire. Dans tout les Committees subsequentes j’ai toujours appuyer sur ce même Contract, et je me rapporte a tout Ses Messieurs qui successivement furent des committes sur ce Sujet.

Comme Vous êtes de la presente ⟨Congres⟩ je Vous prie de communiquer la ⟨Reporte de⟩ Mr: Petters a cette Committé.

J’ai L’honneur d’etre avec ⟨affection⟩   Monsieur   Votre tres humble ⟨serviteur⟩


Honrbl: Alex: Hamilton

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1Richard Peters had been secretary of the Continental Board of War when von Steuben joined the American forces. In 1788, he was a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly. Peters’s letter has not been found.

2For background to von Steuben’s claims, see “Report of the Claim of Baron von Steuben,” December 30, 1782, H to John Jay, December 7, 1784, H to Washington, October 30, 1787, Washington to H, November 10, 1787, and John Witherspoon to H, November 16, 1787. On August 18, 1788, H reintroduced von Steuben’s memorial. The committee denied that von Steuben had any claim founded on a contract, but in view of his “merit and services” it recommended that he “be allowed during his life the yearly sum of  ” (JCC description begins Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 (Washington, 1904–1937). description ends , XXXIV, 512). No further action was taken by the Continental Congress.

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