Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from James Madison, [30 June 1788]

From James Madison

[Richmond, June 30, 1788]1

Inclosed is the final result of our conventional deliberations. The intended address of the minority proved to be of a nature apprehended by me.2 It was rejected by the party themselves when proposed to them, and produced an auspicious conclusion to the business. As I shall set out in a few days for N. York, I postpone further explanations. I have this instant the communications from N. Hampshire, via Poughkepsy;3 also your two favors of the 19 & 20.

Yr. affecty.

Js. Madison Jr

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1In JCHW description begins John C. Hamilton, ed., The Works of Alexander Hamilton (New York, 1851). description ends , I, 463, this letter is dated June 31, 1788.

3News of the ratification of the Constitution by New Hampshire had been sent to Madison on June 24 by Philip Schuyler (see John Langdon to H, June 21, 1788).

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