Alexander Hamilton Papers

New York Ratifying Convention. First Speech of June 28 (John McKesson’s Version), [28 June 1788]

New York Ratifying Convention. First Speech of June 28
(John Mc Kesson’s Version)1

[Poughkeepsie, New York, June 28, 1788]

Mr. Hamilton—Requests several Resolutions & reports from the Journal of the Senate be read—

7 Septr. 1780—part of the Governors message—

9 Septr. part of the Answer of the Senate

10 Octr. Resolution of assembly page 33

5th Feby 1781—and a Letter from Rivingtons Paper

19 March

29 March 1781

21 Novr 1781

20 July 1782 Resolutions

John McKesson MS Notes, New-York Historical Society, New York City.

Index Entries