To Alexander Hamilton from Samuel Brailsford, 25 September 1787
From Samuel Brailsford1
Charleston, South Carolina, September 25, 1787. “Mr Mullett2 lately transmited me Copy of your Letter to him of the 22d July,3 together with his answer, which I approve, tho’ he was mistaken in saying that the terms on which Wooldridge4 has been liberated, were all that I required; as there was another matter of great importance that I wished to accomplish previous to that event, & on which I have ⅌ this conveyance wrote Mr Mullett fully, & requested of him to endeavour to obtain it, & if W. should in consequence of his being at large refuse to comply with what he repeatedly proposed to me at the different interviews I had with him in Gaol, & which Mr. M. will explain to you, I must beg Sir, that you will give him your assistance.… Mr Mullett … informed me that you had mentioned to him your having wrote me several times.…”5
ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
1. Brailsford, a member of a prominent Charleston merchant family and a former partner of John Chapman, had employed H to represent him.
2. Thomas Mullett.
3. Brailsford was mistaken about the date. See H to Mullett, Mullett to H, July 23, 1787.
4. Thomas Wooldrige.
5. Letters not found.