Alexander Hamilton Papers

New York Assembly. Motion for Leave to Bring in a Bill for Vesting the Estate of Richard Maitland in Trustees, [5 March 1787]

New York Assembly. Motion for Leave to Bring in a
Bill for Vesting the Estate of
Richard Maitland in Trustees

[New York, March 5, 1787]

Mr. Hamilton pursuant to concurrent resolutions of both Houses of the Legislature, on the 24th of March last, and the publication thereof in news-papers printed in the city of New-York, moved for leave to bring in a bill to vest the real and personal estate of Richard Maitland, Esq. deceased, in trustees for the payment of his debts, and the maintenance and education of his children.

Ordered, That leave be given accordingly.

Mr. Hamilton according to leave brought in the said bill, entitled An act to vest the estate of Richard Maitland, Esq. deceased, in Trustees, for the payment of his Debts, and other purposes, which was read the first time, and ordered a second reading.1

New York Assembly Journal description begins Journal of the Assembly of the State of New York (Publisher and place vary, 1782–1788). description ends , 1787, 81.

1The act, passed by the Assembly on April 14, 1787, provided that the estate of Richard Maitland be vested in trustees, that the trustees be empowered to sue to recover the estate, and that the trustees be empowered to receive applications for money (New York Assembly Journal description begins Journal of the Assembly of the State of New York (Publisher and place vary, 1782–1788). description ends , 1787, 162).

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