Alexander Hamilton Papers

Notes on the History of South America, [December 1786]

Notes on the History of South America27

South America
Rob. H of A B 2d P 73— Christopher Columbus, a subject of Genoa, the first discoverer of America.
Idem P. 83–84–86
After Different applications to the Genoese, to the King of Portugal, England & various disappointments he at last undertakes the
95 voyage in the service of Spain & in 1492 set out on his voyage.
Idem 111. 112— Octr. 12. 1492 discovered land—the Island of San Salvador—& afterwards several other Islands.
Idem 132 Febr. 24. 1493. Returns to Europe & arrives at Lisbon. Goes to Spain. Communicates his success to the Court.
Idem 140— Ferdinand King of Spain obtains from Pope Alexander 6 a grant of all the lands he had discovered or should discover to the Westward of an
Anno. 1493 imaginary line drawn from pole to pole a
Princes Chronology New Engd.
Part 1 P. 2—
hundred leagues to the Westward of the Azores. All to the Eastward was given to Portugal. Bull signed at Rome May 4. 1493.
Idem 141 Anno. 1493 Columbus set out on a second Voyage, November 22 arrives again at Hispaniola.
Idem 163 Anno. 1496 Returns again to Spain And
Idem 169. Anno 1498 Undertakes a third Voyage. And
Idem 170— In the same year discovers the Continent of America.
Idem 183. Anno 1499.
Alonso Di Ojeda a private adventurer made a voyage to the same part of the Coast of the Continent—Paria.
Idem 184. 185 Amerigo Vespucci who accompanied Ojeda in this voyage and wrote an account had the address to make himself be considered as the Discoverer of the Continent & gave a name to it—America.
Idem 187— Anno. 1500
The Portuguese discover the Coast of the Brazil; Cabral the Discoverer by accident.
Idem 196 1501
Roderigo De Bastidas discovers all that part of the Continent from Cape De Veda to the Gulf of Darien called Tierra Firmé.
Page 235. Anno. 1509
Settlement on the Continent attempted by Ojeda. Ferdinand erects two governments, one extending from Cape De Vela to the Gulf of Darien, the other from that to Cape Gracios a Dios.
Page 242 Anno 1511
Juan Ponce De Leon discovered Florida.
Idem 251. Anno. 1513
Balboa discovers the South sea by a march through the Isthmus of Darien.
Idem 298— Anno 1518
Grijalva discovers New Spain.
Collection of Voyages & Travels 2d.
Vol. P. 743—
Visits made by French & Spainards to Florida from 1512 to 1542.

27AD, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

The complete titles of the books cited by H are given in the notes to the “Notes on the History of North America.”

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