South America
Rob. H of A B 2d P 73— |
Christopher Columbus, a subject of Genoa, the first discoverer of America. |
After Different applications to the Genoese, to the King of Portugal, England & various disappointments he at last undertakes the |
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voyage in the service of Spain & in 1492 set out on his voyage. |
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Idem 111. 112— |
Octr. 12. 1492 discovered land—the Island of San Salvador—& afterwards several other Islands. |
Idem 132 |
Febr. 24. 1493. Returns to Europe & arrives at Lisbon. Goes to Spain. Communicates his success to the Court. |
Idem 140— |
Ferdinand King of Spain obtains from Pope Alexander 6 a grant of all the lands he had discovered or should discover to the Westward of an |
Anno. 1493 |
imaginary line drawn from pole to pole a |
Princes Chronology New Engd. Part 1 P. 2— |
hundred leagues to the Westward of the Azores. All to the Eastward was given to Portugal. Bull signed at Rome May 4. 1493. |
Idem 141 Anno. 1493 |
Columbus set out on a second Voyage, November 22 arrives again at Hispaniola. |
Idem 163 Anno. 1496 |
Returns again to Spain And |
Idem 169. Anno 1498 |
Undertakes a third Voyage. And |
Idem 170— |
In the same year discovers the Continent of America. |
Alonso Di Ojeda a private adventurer made a voyage to the same part of the Coast of the Continent—Paria. |
Idem 184. 185 |
Amerigo Vespucci who accompanied Ojeda in this voyage and wrote an account had the address to make himself be considered as the Discoverer of the Continent & gave a name to it—America. |
The Portuguese discover the Coast of the Brazil; Cabral the Discoverer by accident. |
Roderigo De Bastidas discovers all that part of the Continent from Cape De Veda to the Gulf of Darien called Tierra Firmé. |
Settlement on the Continent attempted by Ojeda. Ferdinand erects two governments, one extending from Cape De Vela to the Gulf of Darien, the other from that to Cape Gracios a Dios. |
Juan Ponce De Leon discovered Florida. |
Balboa discovers the South sea by a march through the Isthmus of Darien. |
Grijalva discovers New Spain. |
Collection of Voyages & Travels 2d. Vol. P. 743— |
Visits made by French & Spainards to Florida from 1512 to 1542. |