From Alexander Hamilton to Philip Schuyler, 20 November 1786
To Philip Schuyler
[New York] November 20, 1786. “I have received your letter.…1 Your cause against Ten Eyck2 was set down for hearing in October term; but the Chancellor3 when last in town on account of his public engagements would not attend to my special business in his Court. If he is here in January term it will be brought on.… We have been Innoculating Angelica and Alexander.4 The first as before has escaped without any appearance of Infection. The last has had a pretty good share of the disease but is now, I may say, well.”
ALS, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California.
2. Possibly Henry Ten Eyck.
3. Robert R. Livingston.
4. Angelica and Alexander were H’s second and third children.