Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to John B. Church, [6 May 1786]

To John B. Church1

[New York, May 6, 1786]

By the last Packet I sent you the first of a set of bills of which the inclosed is second for £400 Sterling drawn by Constable Rucker & Co: on Mr John Rucker.2 I remitted you £782.10.8 Currency by the Roebuck packet. I have written you largely on other matters to which I have received no answer. This being term time I cannot inlarge but I shall write you fully in a short time. I am anxious to hear from you. I momently expect an addition to my family.3 Betsy is well and joins me most Affectionately to Mrs: Church & your self. General Schuyler & Mrs: Schuyler are still with me and in good health.

Yrs: sincerely

John Barker Church Esqr:

Copy, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1As it is endorsed in the writing of H, this letter was probably retained as his file copy.

2William Constable and John Rucker organized the firm of Constable, Rucker and Company in 1784. John Rucker was a German with English commercial experience and with credit backing by I. L. and C. Le Couteulx, a French banking house.

3H’s third child, Alexander, Jr., was born on May 16, 1786.

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