Alexander Hamilton Papers

Appointment as Commissioner to the Annapolis Convention, 5 May 1786

Appointment as Commissioner
to the Annapolis Convention1

State of New York

In Senate [New York] May the 5th. 1786

Resolved (if the Honorable the Assembly concur herein) that Robert R. Livingston, James Duane, Egbert Benson, Alexander Hamilton, Leonard Gansevoort and Robert C. Livingston Esquires,2 or any three of them, be Commissioners on the part of this State, to meet with such Commissioners, as are, or may be appointed by the other States in the Union; at such Time and place, as shall be agreed upon by the said Commissioners; to take into consideration the Trade and Commerce of the United States; to consider how far an uniform System in their Commercial Intercourse and Regulations, may be necessary to their common Interest and permanent Harmony; and to report to the several States, such an Act relative to this great Object, as when unanimously ratified by them, will enable the United States in Congress Assembled, to provide for the same; and that the said Commissioners or any three of them do make a report of their proceedings to the Legislature at their next Meeting.

Extract from the Journal

Abm. B. Bancker Clk

State of New York

In Assembly May 5th. 1786

Resolved that this House do concur with the Honorable the Senate in the said Resolution.

An Extract from the Journals

John McKesson, Clk

DS, in writings of Abraham B. Bancker and John McKesson, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives.

1On March 16, 1786, Governor George Clinton submitted to the New York legislature a letter from the governor of Virginia, dated February 23, enclosing a copy of a resolution of that state “appointing Commissioners to meet with the Commissioners of the different States, for the purpose of framing such regulations of trade as may be judged necessary to promote the general interest.” The Assembly resolved, the Senate concurring, that five commissioners be appointed to meet with commissioners of the other states “to take into consideration the trade and commerce of the United States.” On May 5 the Assembly appointed H, Robert C. Livingston, and Gansevoort; the Senate added the names of Robert R. Livingston, Duane, and Benson (New York Assembly Journal description begins Journal of the Assembly of the State of New York (Publisher and place vary, 1782–1786). description ends , 1786, 83, 86, 149–50, 175; New York Senate Journal description begins Journal of the Senate of the State of New York (Publisher and place vary, 1782–1786). description ends , 1786, 48–50, 102–03).

2Robert R. Livingston was the chancellor of the State of New York. Duane was mayor of New York City. Benson was an associate judge of the Supreme Court of New York. Gansevoort of Albany County was later a member of the Assembly, a senator, a county and probate judge. Robert C. Livingston of New York City was later a member of the New York Assembly. Of the six nominees, only H and Benson attended the Annapolis Convention.

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