Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Wadsworth, 3 April 1785

From Jeremiah Wadsworth

Hartford April 3d 1785

Dear Sir

I have received very unfavorable accounts respecting Isaac Moses & Co House in Holland.1 As you have the recet for our Monies I wish you inquire of him if our concerns are so involved in his matters that we shall be liable to any loss in case of his ruine by this misfortune in holland. I am Dear Sir Your very Hum Servant

Jere Wadsworth

Have you any news from Church2 by ye last Packet? I have not a line.

Col Hamelton

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1Isaac Moses, according to The New York Directory for 1786 description begins New York Directory for 1786 (facsimile, New York, 1889). description ends , was an auctioneer who was located at 37 Dock Street in New York City. He was also connected in an international partnership with Marcus Elcan of Richmond, Virginia, and with Samuel and Moses Myers of Amsterdam. The dissolution of the firm was announced in a supplement to The New-York Journal, or the Weekly Register, of June 23, 1785. The partnership of Wadsworth and Church held some of the firm’s notes.

2John B. Church who was at this time in England.

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