Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to John Chaloner, [14 August 1784]

To John Chaloner

[New York, August 14, 1784]

Dr. Sir

I received in due time your letter of 14 of July.

The bills sent by you which have been paid and will be paid are

on James & Alex Stewart1 £ 600
ditto   300
on Delafield2   149. 4
James Buchanan & Co   400
on Cap G. Geddes    23. 9.2
William Bowne3    30    

The Drafts on Lowe and Woodward4 I return by Mr. Mc.Cartys5 desire who will have explained to you.

The ballance due on the lot will be £1297.7.10 which bears interest at seven ⅌ Cent. If you are in Cash on Mr. Church’s account, I shall be obliged to you as soon as possible to forward that ballance; the rather as from particular circumstances there is some little hazard in the title ’till the transaction is completed.

I inclose you Messrs. Nathaniel and John Traceys6 obligation to Mr. Church for Twenty five shares of bank Stock, agreeable to your request.

Mrs. Hamilton tells me that Mrs. Church informs her she has sent to your care a box of sheeting for her—and there is some other thing which she does not recollect for Mrs. Schuyler. She requests you will be so good as to forward these articles.

Mrs. H joins in compliments to Mrs. C.

Believe me to be    With great regard Dr Sir    Your Obed Servt

A Hamilton

Mr. J Chaloner

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1James and Alexander Stewart, Philadelphia merchants in the firm of Stewart and Totten.

2John Delafield was listed in The New York Directory for 1786 description begins New York Directory for 1786 (facsimile, New York, 1889). description ends as a broker.

3For an identification of Buchanan, Geddes, and Bowne, see Chaloner to H, July 14, 1784.

4Lowe was doubtless Nicholas Low, a prominent New York merchant. Woodward was the John Woodward to whom Chaloner referred in his letter to H of July 14, 1784.

5For information on William Macarty, see Chaloner to H, May 31, 1784.

6Nathaniel and John Tracy were merchants of Newburyport, Massachusetts. Nathaniel was listed among the first stockholders of the Bank of North America.

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