To Alexander Hamilton from John B. Church, 15 June 1784
From John B. Church
Paris June 15th 1784
My Dear Sir
I arrived here three Days since, and cannot let slip the Opportunity which the Departure of the Marquis de la Fayette offers me to drop you a Line.1 I cannot say how long I shall remain here, but I shall not exceed next week, unless a Treaty that Wadsworth and myself are about entering on with the Farmers General to supply them with Tobacco should take Place in which Case I may be detained here some Time.2 I propose spending the next Winter here with Mrs. Church, and in May following shall take my Passage for America where I hope to embrace Mrs. Hamilton and yourself. Of public Affairs it is needless to write you as the Marquis will furnish you more ample Information than I possibly can. Wadsworth will go to America immediately on our Return to England and by him I shall write you and more fully. Present my best and most affectionate Wishes to Mrs. Hamilton and believe me most cordially Yours & &
J B Church
Alexr Hamilton Esqr.
ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
1. Lafayette sailed for America on July 1, 1784.
2. The Farmers General, a group of financiers to whom collection of many indirect taxes was farmed out, had a monopoly on the importation of tobacco Church was interested in the restrictions imposed by the Farmers General on the tobacco trade because John Chaloner, his American correspondent, shipped Virginia tobacco to France “on account and Risque of Messrs. Wadsworth and Carter” ( 93). Wadsworth and Church did not succeed in securing a treaty. Instead, the Farmers General made a contract with Robert Morris early in 1785.