From Alexander Hamilton to James Duane, [5 August 1783]
To James Duane1
[New York, August 5, 1783]
Dr. Sir
Mrs. Schuyler having some business in this city obliged me to pass into it. I do not find that the definitive treaty is here, though I am inclined to believe that definitive orders have been received respecting the evacuation, and advice of the sailing of a fleet of transports for that purpose. A new embarkation of German troops is going on. But upon the whole I do not imagine the evacuation will be completed ’till after the September equinoxes. Some late indictments in our state have given great alarm here.2 Many who have all along talked of staying now talk of going. We have already lost too large a number of valuable citizens.
I am with great regard D Sir Yr Obed ser
A Hamilton
Through forgetfulness I left a small tavern Bill at Princeton unpaid—for a few dinners. Do me the favour of paying it for me. I mean the Tavern where we dined together.
ALS, New-York Historical Society, New York City.
1. Duane, along with H and others, was appointed a New York delegate to the Continental Congress in 1782. (See “Commission as Delegate,” October 25, 1782.) Although his term of office began in November, 1782, Duane did not attend the Congress until July 16, 1783.
2. The reference, of course, is to the prosecution of Loyalists.