From Alexander Hamilton to Major General Nathanael Greene, [10 June 1783]
To Major General Nathanael Greene1
[Philadelphia, June 10, 1783]
Dr. General,
I inclose you a couple of letters from Mr. Carter2 one for yourself, the other for Mr. Kenlock.3 There is nothing for me to add, except that I wish you when the business shall be transacted to transmit the bond to me under cover to General Schuyler at Albany. I expect to leave this shortly for that place and to remain there ’till New York is evacuated; on which event I shall set down there seriously on the business of making my fortune. It has been hinted to me that you have some thoughts of making our state the place of your residence. You will easily believe me sincere when I express my wishes that this may be the case—and when I add that I shall consider it as a valuable acquisition to the state.
There is so little disposition either in or out of Congress to give solidity to our national system that there is no motive to a man to lose his time in the public service; who has no other view than to promote its welfare. Experience must convince us that our present establishments are Utopian before we shall be ready to part with them for better.
I write in Congress and therefore can not enlarge; but I need not assure you that no one will at all times have more pleasure in hearing from you than myself as no one is more warmly & sincerely Your friend than Dr Sir Yr. Obed serv
A Hamilton
June 10. 1783
ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
1. Greene was at this time commander of the American forces in the Southern Department.
2. John Carter was an alias assumed by John Barker Church. (Church to H, May 18, 1781). On June 9, 1783, Church wrote to Greene that he was willing to receive a certain bond “at the legal Interest of the State calculating only simple Interest,” and requested that the bond be transmitted “to my Brother in Law, Coll. Alexr. Hamilton.” This letter is in the Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
3. Francis Kinloch, a South Carolina planter and member of the Continental Congress. The nature of Church’s business transactions with Kinloch is described in a letter written by Kinlock’s brother, Cleland, to H on September 20, 1785.