Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to John Fitzgerald, [10 June 1783]

To John Fitzgerald1

[Philadelphia, June 10, 1783]

Dr. Sir

The inclosed letter is for Mr. Bowman who married Mrs. Cattle.2 I am told he is at Alexandria which make me trouble you with the letter. Should he have left that place for South Carolina, I will thank you to forward it to him.

No definitive treaty yet arrived nor any thing else of importance new. I write in Congress & have only time to add that I am   Yr. sincere & affectionate friend

A Hamilton

ALS, Broadcast Music, Inc., New York City.

1Fitzgerald, a Virginian, had served with H as aide-de-camp to General Washington.

2Sabina Lynch Cattell, the daughter of Thomas Lynch of South Carolina, married William Cattell, who died in 1778. She later married John Bowman.

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