Continental Congress Motion on the Promotion of Brigadiers, [16–19 December 1782]
Continental Congress
Motion on the Promotion of Brigadiers
[Philadelphia, December 16–19, 1782]1
That the Secretary at War report to Congress on friday next the number of additional promotion of Brigadiers requisite to the service of the ensuing Campaign; and the names and dates of Commissions of such Cols & Lt Cols Command[an]ts as stand next in order of promotion; and that Congress then proceed to the election of the necessary Brigadiers.2
AD, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives.
1. In the Journals of the Congress this undated motion is printed in a note to the proceedings of October 14, 1782 ( , XXIII, 652). As H was not then a delegate to the Congress, it must have been made later. On December 22, the Secretary at War wrote to Congress: “I omitted to report on the motion respecting the appointments of Brigadiers, before I left Philadelphia” ( , XXIII, 836). The motion to which he referred was probably the one printed above. As it directed the Secretary at War to “report to Congress on friday next,” and as the Secretary’s letter was dated, Sunday, December 22, the motion must have been made between Monday, December 16 and Thursday, December 19.