To Alexander Hamilton from Robert Morris, 23 October 1782
From Robert Morris
Office of Finance [Philadelphia] 23rd. October 1782
I have received your favors of the 9th. and 12th.1 Instant with the account of your Receipts to the latter Date.
As the purposes for which Mr Brown2 is employed will not admit of his passing through Albany, I shall consider of some arrangement for making Remittances from thence; of which you shall be seasonably Informed. Your Letter for General Green3 shall be forwarded. I shall soon have Occasion to write you Respecting the appointment of Doctor Tillotson and his acceptance4 which I am prevented, by much business, from doing by this Post.
I am Sir Your most Obedient & most humble Servant
Robt Morris
Alexander Hamilton Esqr.
Receiver for the State of New York.
LS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress; LC, Robert Morris Papers, Library of Congress.
1. H’s letter of October 12, in which he enclosed a letter for Major General Nathanael Greene, has not been found.
2. John Brown. See H to Morris, October 9, 1782, note 3.
4. Thomas Tillotson. See Morris to H, August 28, 1782, note 4.