Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to George Clinton, 25 [August] 1782

To George Clinton1

Albany [August] 25. 1782


By advices from Philadelphia I find that the present is a period rather critical on the subject of money and concenters a variety of demands which it is not easy to satisfy. It becomes therefore of importance to the Financier to avail himself of every immediate resource.

This induces me to request you will be so good as [to] inform me, whether there is any near prospect of obtaining the loan directed to be applied to Continental use;2 also whether any measures can be taken to accelerate the collection of the late tax imposed for the same use.3

I would willingly write to the County treasurers myself, but unauthorised as I am I could expect no good effect from it.

I have the honor to be with perfect respect Yr. Excellency’s Obed serv


ADfS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1The endorsement in H’s handwriting on this letter reads, “To Governor Clinton, August 25. 1782, Duplicate Septr. 7, 82.”

2H was referring to a section of “AN ACT for levying a tax within this State,” which was passed by the New York legislature on July 22, 1782 (Laws of the State of New York, I description begins Laws of the State of New York Passed at the Sessions of the Legislature Held in the Years 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783 and 1784 Inclusive, being the First Seven Sessions (Albany, 1886). description ends , 505–08). This section provided for a loan of ten thousand pounds which could be used to “pay such sum or sums to the commissioner of the loan office of this State, or to the superintendent of the finances of the United States, or to such person as he shall appoint to receive the same, as part of the quota assigned to this State for the present year.”

3H referred to “AN ACT for levying a tax within this State,” which was passed by the legislature on July 22, 1782. See note 2. H had written to Robert Morris on July 22, 1782, that the tax “is at present appropriated to your order, but I doubt whether some subsequent arrangement will not take place for a different appropriation.”

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