From Alexander Hamilton to Udny Hay, 3 August 1782
To Udny Hay1
Albany Aug. 3d. 1782
Dr. Sir
Mr. Morris, some time since, in a circular letter to the states,2 among other things, requested to have an account of all the money, provisions, transportation, &c., furnished by this state to the United States, since the 18th. of March, 1780.
I have been very happy to hear, that this business has been intrusted to your hands, for I am sure, feeling its importance, you will give it all the dispatch in your power.
I have written to the Governor on the subject,3 but lest other occupations should delay his attention to it I must request you to inform me precisely what part of the matter has been intrusted to your management, and what progress you have been able to make.
I shall also thank you to send me the amount of any certificates or paper money in any shape, which, through your office, have passed into circulation, distinguishing the different species.4
You will do me a favour by letting me hear from you as soon as possible.5
I am with sincere esteem Your Obedient servant
A Hamilton
I must still trouble you with an additional request which is that you let me know as exactly as possible the gross product of each supply-bill in your department in specie value and the amount of all expences on each. This I want with a view to the subjects we have been speaking of.
ADfS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
1. A duplicate of this letter was sent on August 18, 1782 (see endorsement on H to Hay, September 7, 1782), and a triplicate was enclosed in H’s letter to Hay on September 7, 1782.
Hay was commissioned state agent on June 29, 1780. On that date Governor George Clinton wrote to him: “About an Hour since the Council of Appointment made you agent for this State to supply the Quota of Provissions &c. to be furnished by this State for the use of the Army” (
, V, 892).2. Robert Morris to the Governors of the Several States, July 25, 1781 (Robert Morris Papers, Library of Congress).
4. The New York Provincial Congress and its successors had authorized issues of paper money. In addition to the regular issues of paper, state agents had been authorized to pay for provisions with special promissory notes.
5. Hay did not answer H’s request. See H to Hay, September 7, 1782.