Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Robert Morris, 19 July 1782

From Robert Morris

Office of Finance [Philadelphia] 19th. July 1782.


I have found it necessary to draw Bills on Mr. Swanwick in favor of different People and payable at various Periods.1 These are Bills of Exchange in the common Form and must be negotiated by Indorsements. You will always receive them in like Manner with my other Notes or Bank Notes and remit them which you can do without cutting them as they will be paid only to the Indorsee.

I am Sir your most obedient Servant


LC, Robert Morris Papers, Library of Congress.

1In the absence of other currency, Morris supplemented the notes of the Bank of North America with his own notes. Issued in anticipation of the future collections of taxes in the states, they usually were drawn to the order of John Swanwick. See Morris to H, April 15, 1782.

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