To Alexander Hamilton from Robert Morris, 15 May 1782
From Robert Morris1
Philadelphia, May 15, 1782. Sends a circular to the “Receivers of Taxes Eastward of Hudsons River” instructing them on the manner of transmitting notes, bank notes, and Morris notes to the Office of Finance in Philadelphia. Appoints John Brown of Philadelphia “Messenger by whom you are from Time to Time to transmit the Bank Notes which you may receive.”
LC, Robert Morris Papers, Library of Congress.
1. H was not appointed receiver of continental taxes for New York until sometime between June 17 and July 2. On July 2, Morris sent H his instructions which included a copy of this circular (Morris to H, July 2, 1782). H in turn sent the circular to Thomas Tillotson when Tillotson was appointed to replace H in November, 1782. See H to Tillotson, November 10, 1782.
For information on the duties of the receivers of continental taxes, see Morris to H, April 15, 1782.