Alexander Hamilton Papers
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Enclosure: To Marquis de Lafayette, [15 October 1781]


Return of Killed & wounded in the advanced corps commanded by
Lieut. Colonel Hamilton in an Attack on the Enemies left Redoubt
on the Evening of the 14th Octr. 1781
Lt Col Majors Capts Subalterns Serjeants Rank & file
Killed Wounded Killed Wounded Killed Wounded Killed Wounded Killed Wounded Killed Wounded
Lt Col Hamiltons batalion 4
Lt Col Gimats      do 1 2 1 1 1 7 15
Lt Col Laurens detachment 1 1 5
Corps of Sappers & Miners 1 1
Total 1 4 1 1 1 8 25

17AD, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.

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