To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, 9 August 1781
From George Washington
Head Quarters [Dobbs Ferry, New York] Augst 9th. 1781
Dr Sir
I have recd your Letter of the 7th. Shoes will be issued to the State Companies under your Command, upon your Return. I will only recommend that proper precaution should be taken respecting the delivery, & that the men of the State Companies should be made accountable for them; the same mode will be pursued, in supplying the other Companies, as has been formerly practiced.
I am Dr. Sr. Your most Obedt Servt.
P.S. Capt Sacket & Capt Williams1 Should become responsible to the Clothier that the shoes are properly accounted for. The Shoes may be drawn & issued thro the Channell of the same Person, who is employed by Colo Scammell for the same purpose.
Lt Col Hamilton
Df, in writing of David Humphreys, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
1. Captains William Sackett and Daniel Williams.