From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [9 April 1781]
To George Washington
[New Windsor, New York, April 9, 1781]
Dr. Sir,
I had the inclosed letters for you in my Portmanteau without knowing it, as they were given me among several others just as I was coming away. I send them by express.
I find here nothing new more than you were acquainted with. No second action in the South. Genl. Greene thinks his little defeat1 will be of service to his affairs.
I have the honor to be With Sincere esteem Yr Excellys. Most Obed ser
Alex Hamilton
Hd. Qrs. April 9th. 81
ALS, Columbia University Libraries.
1. Major General Nathanael Greene was defeated by Cornwallis at Guilford Courthouse, North Carolina, on March 15, 1781. Cornwallis’s forces were, however, considerably weakened by losses incurred in the battle, and he had to retreat.