From Alexander Hamilton to Major Richard Platt, [25 February 1781]
To Major Richard Platt
[New Windsor, New York, February 25, 1781]
Dr. Sir
I have taken The General’s orders on the subject of your letter of the 24th. As Col Hay’s oxen appear to have been converted to the public use, justice requires they should be replaced to him,1 as it is not known certainly in what manner they were used and as it is not material to the public from what department the compensation comes, The General directs that The Quarter Master General will deliver Col Hay a couple of good oxen in lieu of the two taken from him.
I am Sir Yr. most Obed ser
A Hamilton Aide De Camp
Hd. Quarters New
Windsor Feby. 25. 1781
Windsor Feby. 25. 1781
ALS, Bank of New York, New York City; ADfS, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress; copy, RG 93, Letters of Col. T. Pickering, National Archives.