Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Major General William Heath, [21 February 1781]

To Major General William Heath1

[New Windsor, New York, February 21, 1781]


I am commanded by The General to inform you that Lt. Col Gouvion and Capt Rochefontaine2 will march with the detachment under the Marquis De la Fayette.3 Major Villefranche4 will shortly return to the post of West Point. I have the honor to be Sir Yr. most Obed ser

Alex Hamilton   Aide De Camp

ALS, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.

1Heath was in command at West Point.

2Etienne Nicolas Marie Béchet, Chevalier de Rochefontaine, actually was a major by brevet of the Corps of Engineers.

3On January 20, 1781, Lafayette was given command of troops assembled at Peekskill, New York, and ordered to march to Virginia.

4Jean Louis Ambroise de Genton, Chevalier de Villefranche, major of the Corps of Engineers.

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