From Alexander Hamilton to Baron von Steuben, [7 June 1780]
To Baron von Steuben
[Morristown, New Jersey, June 7, 1780]
Dr Baron
I am commanded by The General to inform you that the enemy are out in considerable force and by the last advice were advancing this way. We are going to meet them. The General is just setting out for Chatham and will be happy to see you there.1
Yrs. Respecty.
A Hamilton ADC
Hd. Qrs. June 7th. 80
ALS, New-York Historical Society, New York City.
1. The British landed at De Hart’s Point, near Elizabethtown, New Jersey, and then advanced. They were halted, however, by Brigadier General William Maxwell’s brigade and the militia near Springfield, New Jersey. They then retired to De Hart’s Point without meeting Washington’s main force.