From Alexander Hamilton to Brigadier General Henry Knox, [28 May 1780]
To Brigadier General Henry Knox
[Morristown, New Jersey, May 28, 1780]
The General requests you to furnish two Grasshoppers and a company of Artillery to be attached to the New York Brigade which marches tomorrow morning toward Albany.1
, XVIII, 443, note 80.
1. On the same day, Washington wrote Governor George Clinton:
“In consequence of the intelligence from Your Excellency communicated to me by General Schuyler, I have put the New York brigade under orders to march tomorrow morning for the North River. They will proceed to Kings ferry and from thence in boats to New burgh, where sloops with provisions must be ready to convey them to Albany.” (George Washington Papers, Library of Congress).
These troops were being sent to New York to help in the defense of the state’s northern and western frontiers. See
(New York and Albany, 1900), V, 754.