Subscription for Dancing Assembly, [January–February 1780]
Subscription for Dancing Assembly
[Morristown, New Jersey, January–February, 1780]
The Subscribers agree to pay the Sums annexed to their respective Names, and an equal quota of any further Expence which may be incurred in the promotion and Support of a dancing assembly to be held in Morristown this present Winter 1780. Subscription Monies to be paid into the hands of a Treasurer, hereafter to be appointed.1
DS, facsimile in John Jay Smith and John F. Watson, American Historical and Literary Curiosities (Philadelphia, 1861), plate XXII.
1. This document is followed by the signatures of Washington, H, the other aides-de-camp, and the leading military figures at Headquarters. There are thirty-five signatures. After most of the signatures, including that of H, is written “pd 400 Dollars.”