Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Major Henry Lee, [13 September 1779]

To Major Henry Lee1

[West Point, September 13, 1779]

Dr. Lee

Capt McCallister2 delivered me your note. I applied to Col: Scammel3 for copies of the order of approbation and the sentence of confirmation; but he informs me that they had been already forwarded to you by express. The inclosed copy of the Generals letter,4 if I have not misunderstood you, executes the rest of my commission. If I did not think your vanity would be intolerable at the manner of your acquittal, I should congratulate you upon it, as I am very truly—

Your friend & servant

Alex Hamilton

ALS, Lloyd W. Smith Collection, Morristown National Historical Park, Morristown, New Jersey.

1Lee was at Paramus, New Jersey. For background to this letter, see Henry Lee to H, September 10, 1779, note 1.

2Lieutenant Archibald McCallister, First Maryland Regiment, had participated with Lee in the attack on Powles Hook. He was not promoted to the rank of captain until September 27, 1779.

3Colonel Alexander Scammell, adjutant general, Continental Army

4This is a reference to Washington’s letter of instructions to Lee for the attack on Powles Hook. See Washington to Lee, September 1, 1779 (George Washington Papers, Library of Congress).

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