From Alexander Hamilton to Major General Israel Putnam, 23 June 1779
To Major General Israel Putnam1
Head Quarters New
Windsor [New York] June 23d 1779
½ past 10. P.M.
His Excellency has just rec’d information from Col. Butler, who is stationed at the landing called stoney beach that a party of the Enemy of about 400 Men were on the opposite side of the River apparently with a design to reconnoitre the landing.
In consequence of this intelligence, he desires you will as soon as possible to morrow morning advance Genl: Smallwood with his Brigade to the Forest of Deane,2 to remain till further orders. You will be pleased to direct proper measures to be taken that they may have a sufficient supply of provisions while there.
I have the honor &c
P.S. The General requests you to hold the other troops in readiness to march if requisite.
Df, in writing of Richard Kidder Meade, except for postscript which is in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
1. Putnam was at Smiths Clove, New York.
2. Forest of Dean was north and west of Fort Montgomery.