From Alexander Hamilton to Major General Arthur St. Clair, [5 June 1779]
To Major General Arthur St. Clair1
[Ringwood, New Jersey, June 5, 1779]
You are to march with your division tomorrow morning at four oClock towards Slotes,2 where you will halt awhile ’till you hear from His Excellency.
I am Sir Yr. Obed servant
Alex Hamilton Aide De Camp
Head Quarters June 5th. 1779
ALS, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
1. St. Clair was at Pompton, New Jersey. This letter contains his instructions for his march to the Hudson.
2. The house of Stephen Slott (Slot), a captain in the New York Militia from Orange County. His house was, according to Fitzpatrick, “about 6 miles south of Galloway’s on the fork of the Clove road which led to Suffern’s” ( , XV, 238 note 71). Washington established Headquarters at Slott’s on June 6.