Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Brigadier General Henry Knox, [6 May 1779]

To Brigadier General Henry Knox

[Middlebrook, New Jersey, May 6, 1779]

Dr. General,

I am commanded by His Excellency to acknowlege the receipt of your letter.1 He desires you will have the persons you mention carefully confined2 ’till they can be delivered over to the civil Magistrate as we have no military law by which to punish them. But ⟨that⟩ the civil law may have something substantial to operate upon, he requests you will do every thing you can think of to discover the extent and particulars of the villainy and that you will prepare all the evidence you can towards establishing their guilt. When you have done this, you will be so good as to report the result, and further measures will be taken.

Dr. Sir   I am your most Obed   servant

Alex Hamilton   Aide De Camp

ALS, The Andre de Coppet Collection, Princeton University Library.

1This letter, addressed to George Washington and dated May 6, 1779, is in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.

2This refers to civilians who helped eight soldiers to desert. See Washington to William Livingston, May 9, 1779.

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