From Alexander Hamilton to Brigadier General Henry Knox, [30 January 1779]
To Brigadier General Henry Knox
[Philadelphia, January 30, 1779]
Dr. Sir,
I send you sundry papers respecting the Ordnance department. The General requests you will prepare your observations on them and be ready to meet The Committee1 and himself tomorrow forenoon. As he is going out of town on Monday and will have no time to spare, He begs you will be ready at the time mentioned.
Will you be at home to day at 2 oClock? Mr. Garanger2 plagues me to accompany him to make you a visit, and I appointed that hour with him for the purpose.
I am Sir Yr. Obedient servant
A Hamilton
ALS, Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio.
1. The Committee of Conference.
2. Lewis Garanger was a captain of bombardiers in the French artillery of Major General Philippe Charles Jean Baptiste Tronson de Coudray. In 1779 he was seeking to be admitted into the service of the Continental Army. See H to Knox, March 26, 1779, note 1 (printed in PAH, XXVI).