Alexander Hamilton Papers

Account of Expenses of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton and Captain Caleb Gibbs, 30 October 1777–20 January 1778

Account of Expenses
of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton
and Captain Caleb Gibbs,
October 30, 1777–January 20, 17781

[Valley Forge, January 20, 1778]

Account of Expences of. Colo. Hamilton. & Captain Gibbs. to Albany & back again—set off from Skippack road, 15. miles from Phila: Returnd. to Valley Forge—

Sent by His Excelly. Genel. Washington on public service.

October 30th. Cash paid at Corrells. ferry Lodgg—Sup. horses— £1.19. 6
31   at Crossroads N. Jersey 6. 6
Novr—  1— at Chester.— 1. 17.4—2d at N. Windsor ferry 8/6 2. 5.10
 4 at Paukeepsey— 19/ —at Rhynbeck— 25/6. 2. 4. 6
 5th. at Clauverick— 16/8.—gave a guide—9/ 1. 5. 8.
at Kinderhook— 16/ —at Albany ferry 6/. 1. 2—
 8th. at Cosockett2 19/6—at Wells’s ferry—5/. 1. 4. 6
at Pools landing 24/6—9th on the road to Clauvierck 10/ 1.14. 6
10th. at Clauverick— 14/ —at Tatias tavern dinner &c. 12/ 1. 6.  
11th. at the flats 18/6 —at paukeepsey 10/6 1. 9—
12th. at Fish Kill— 30/ —at New Windsor ferry 10/. 2.—  
14th. at Goshen— 20/—at Chester—27/. 2. 7—
16th. at Pompton— 14/ 14. £19. 5. 0
On the road to PeeksKill when Colo. Hamilton was taken sick from Morris Town
22d. at Ramapaugh 13/ —at Cacaat3—16/8 1. 9. 8.
23 at Kings ferry— 11/ —gave the ferry man 5/. .16—
Cash paid at Peeks Kill when Colo. Hamilton was sick
25th. to 3 quarters mutton @8/24 gave the doctr. 6/ 1.10—
Decembr—  4th. to 12 fouls—for the whole 5 dollars— 1.17. 6
 7 to Cash for Oranges & Shrub 15/; 10th to potatoes 10/ 1. 5—
12th to 3 dozen Eggs @ 5/ To 15/; 19th.
To potatoes 5/
21 to quails— 5/ —To a partridge 2/6 7.6
23d. To Mr. Kennedys Bill—£12.0.—To Cash for a bed 45/ £14. 5—
To washing &c.— 15/ 15—
Expices to Head Quarters from Peeks Kill—
Decembr— Kings ferry 8/ —at Cacaat horse. Lodgd.
   6.13. 4
£30.13. 0
Decembr— 24th: Cash paid at Ramapaugh dinig horses &c— 1.12. 6
25th. at Pompton— 37/6 at Hardoorits 1.17. 6.
Januay—  5th: Paid Coach for his Expences to Peeks Kill— 3.15—
 8   at Cross Roads New Jersey— 3. 9
12th: at White house tavern 47/6 at— 2. 7. 6.
13th. at Oakhams near Deleware— 1.17. 6.
15th at Latharams— 5—
17–18–19th 20  To Cash paid between Newton & Schuylkill—     3.15—
Total  £115. 9. 9.4

Errors. Excepted

⅌. C. Gibbs

ADS, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.

1This expense account, which was written and signed by Gibbs, is the only extant record of H’s itinerary of his journey to New York State to confer with Major General Horatio Gates and Major General Israel Putnam.

2Coxsackie, twenty miles south of Albany, on the west bank of the Hudson River.

3Kakiate, approximately half way between Suffern and Stony Point, New York.

4This total should read £65.11.9. The manuscript of this document consists of two pages. Gibbs totaled the first page and carried that sum (£1 49.18.0) over to the second page. In totaling the second page he added in error the sum £49.18.0 twice, once as a carry-over and once as one of the items on the second page.

Index Entries