To Alexander Hamilton from Marquis de Fleury, 15–19 October 1777
From Marquis de Fleury1
[Fort Mifflin on Mud Island in the Delaware River] October 15–19, 1777. Discusses defences of Fort Mifflin and the British attack on the fort.
Copy in writing of John Laurens, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. MS which is headed “Substance of Captain Fleury’s Letter to Col. Hamilton” can be found in a journal kept by Fleury from October 15 to November 8, 1777.
1. François Louis Teisseydre, Marquis de Fleury, a veteran of the French army, was appointed “Brigade Major to The Count Pulaski, Brigadier General of the Light Dragoons” on October 3, 1777 ( , IX, 305).