General Orders, Appointing Alexander Hamilton Aide-de-Camp to General Washington, 1 March 1777
General Orders,
Appointing Alexander Hamilton Aide-de-Camp
to General Washington1
Head-Quarters, Morristown [New Jersey] March 1, 1777.
Alexander Hamilton Esquire is appointed Aide-De-Camp to the Commander in Chief; and is to be respected and obeyed as such.
Extract of General Orders
Alexd Scammell Adjt. Genl.
, 37.1. H’s copy of the General Orders has not been found. Washington’s General Orders of March 1, 1777, are printed in , VII, 218.
It is not known how H came to Washington’s attention or whose recommendation led to Washington’s invitation to H to join his staff. For a discussion of the possibilities, see
, I, 104.