Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to the Convention of the Representatives of the State of New York, [14 September 1776]

To the Convention of the Representatives
of the State of New York1

[New York, September 14, 1776]

I do hereby certify that Wm. Douglass,2 the bearer hereof, faithfully served as a matross in my company till he lost his arm by an unfortunate accident, while engaged in firing at some of the enemy’s ships. He is therefore recommended to the attention of those who have been appointed to carry into execution the late resolve of the Continental Congress, by which provision is made for all persons disabled in the service of the United States.

A. Hamilton
Capt. of Artillery.

Journals of the Provincial Congress of the State of New-York description begins Journals of the Provincial Congress, Provincial Convention, Committee of Safety and Council of Safety of the State of New-York. 1775–1776–1777 (Albany, 1842). description ends , II, 221.

1This is the first of two certificates written by H for Douglass. The other certificate is dated November 6, 1776.

2William Douglass enlisted in H’s artillery company on May 28, 1776. While on duty at the Battery in New York City, June 12, 1776, he lost his right arm and had his leg broken by the explosion of a cannon. He was transferred to the Corps of Invalids and discharged September 1, 1782.

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