From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Alexander McDougall, [4 April 1776]
To Colonel Alexander McDougall1
[New York, April 4, 1776]
New York April 4th, 1776. Received of Colonel McDougall one hundred and seventy two pounds, three shillings and five pence half penny, for the pay of the Commissioned, Non commissioned officers and privates of my company to the first instant, for which I have given three other receipts.
Alex Hamilton Capt
ADS, New-York Historical Society, New York City.
1. This receipt appears at the end of “Pay Roll of the Colony Company of Artillery commanded by Alexander Hamilton from first of March to first of April 1776—Vizt.” The payroll, which is in H’s writing, is signed “A. Hamilton Capt.” and dated April 1, 1776. The complete document has been printed in , 340–45.