From Alexander Hamilton to John Jay, [4 January 1776]
To John Jay
[New York, January 4, 1776]1
Dear Sir
The inclosed was intended by the last post, but I was disappointed in sending it. You will find by the papers, that a proclamation has been issued for dissolving the old Assembly; writs are making out for the election of a new.
The tories seem to give out that there will be no opposition, but I suspect this as an artifice to throw the people off their guard. I doubt not however the whig Interest will prevail.
I should be glad to see you here with all convenient dispatch; though perhaps your presence may not be absolutely necessary, yet I like not to hazard any thing, or to neglect any step which may have the least tendency to insure success.
I am Your most hum servt
A Hamilton
ALS, Mr. Frank L. Pleadwell, Honolulu, Hawaii.
1. The endorsement, in the writing of John Jay, reads, “A. Hamilton to Mr. Jay. Lettr. Jany 1776.” The letter is postmarked “N. York Jan. 4.”