Alexander Hamilton Papers

The Iliad of Homer, [1773]

The Iliad of Homer1

[Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 1773.] Exercise in Homer’s Iliad, beginning with Book 12. Discontinuously numbered lines in Greek are followed by one page of English translation and notes in English on the geography of the eastern Mediterranean.

D, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1The authorship of this MS is not known. The handwriting bears only a slight resemblance to that of H. If H did write these exercises, he probably did so at Francis Barber’s academy in Elizabethtown or at King’s College. Allan McLane Hamilton prints a facsimile of one page of the document, to which he refers as “early Greek exercises” (Hamilton, Intimate Life description begins Allan McLane Hamilton, The Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton (New York, 1910). description ends , facing p. 24). Mitchell suggests that the exercises may have been prepared by H’s “son Philip at King’s with corrections in H’s hand” (Mitchell, Hamilton description begins Broadus Mitchell, Alexander Hamilton, Youth to Maturity, 1755–1788 (New York, 1957). description ends , I, 501).

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