From Alexander Hamilton to Willing and Taylor, 10 January 1772
To Willing and Taylor1
St Croix Janu 10. 1772
Gentlemen ⅌ Tony White2
This serves to acknowledge receipt of your favour dated ye. 13 Ulto. covering Invoice & Bill Lading for 101 bbls Superfine flour which were landed in good order. I have Credited you for the Cost of them after rectifying a small error in the addition of Nos. 81 to 84 which youll please to examine & Note in conformity.
I am Gentlemen Your most obdt. Serv
for N Cruger
LC, in writing of H, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
1. There is no record of a firm called Willing and Taylor. On the other hand, this may be one of the many temporary partnerships formed in the West Indies by Thomas Willing, the well-known Philadelphia merchant. Taylor may have been the Nicholas Taylor to whom Nicholas Cruger wrote on June 19, 1772.
2. Although several Captain Whites traded in and with the West Indies in this period, there is no record of a Captain White whose first name was Anthony. It is likely, however, that H was referring to the same White to whom The Royal Danish American Gazette, September 26, 1770, referred when it wrote “Captain White, from this island, is safe arrived at Philadelphia.” Anthony White may have been related to Anthony Walton White, a colonel in the American Revolution. See H to Anthony Walton White, September 23, 1777.