From Alexander Hamilton to Nicholas Cruger, 27 November 1771
To Nicholas Cruger
St Croix Nov. 27. 1771
Dear Sir
I have now the pleasure to acquaint you with the arrival of your new Sloop Thunderbolt commanded by Capt William Newton, a fine Vessell indeed, but I fear, not so swift as she ought to be. However the Capt said he had never had an opportunity of a fair trial and consequently could form no right Judgment yet of her sailing.
This goes by way of St Thomas and I must beg youll peruse the inclosed Letter1 to Mess[rs.] Jacob Walton & John H Cruger (left open for that purpose) for particulars relative to the Sloop, Mules &c. as my warning was too short to permit a repetition of those matters to you. I shall only add as to what I sent down that therein I acted with the concurrence and advice of both your Attorneys and heartily wish for your approbation. I am convincd if you had been present you would have done just as I did.
There is a large Sloop arrivd from Philadelphia with flour, Bread &c. Mr. Nealls2 Brig is dayly expected with a quantity of Superfine, & Lightbourn & Pell3 from New York will be here by and by, so that I must endeavour at all events to get your flour off soon or it will be unsaleable. Every day brings in fresh Complaints against it. I have nothing new to offer on other matters of Business but remain with the closest attachment to your Interest
Your very Hum Serv
A Hamilton
LC, in writing of H, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
2. John Neall, Christiansted merchant, who dealt chiefly in products of the North American colonies. An advertisement by Neal in The Royal Danish American Gazette, September 26, 1770, lists products he had for sale at that time.
3. John Pell, ship captain of St. Croix. In 1769, he is recorded as the master of the sloop Sally, trading with St. Croix ( , II, 978; The Royal Danish American Gazette, September 19, 1770).
5. No record of a Mr. Van Vain has been found. H may have been referring to John Van Veen (or Van Vein), an employee of Pieter Heyliger’s commercial firm. See The Royal Danish American Gazette, July 14, August 11, 1770; July 17, 1773. Also, see H to Nicholas Cruger, November 4, 1771.