Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from George Whatley, 30 November 1784

From George Whatley

ALS: American Philosophical Society

London 30 Novr 1784

Dr. Sir

This may be deliver’d to you by Dr. Brogden,3 an old Acquaintance of my Friend Dr Rowley, who has determin’d, for his Health, to take a Tour into a Country where the Climate is diferent from his own. I heartily wish him Success; & beg the Honor of your Favor & Protection in case of need; for which I shall always esteem my self greatly obliged.—

I have the Honor of subscribing with great Truth & Respect Your Excellencys Most devoted afectionate Servant

George Whatley.

His Excellency Ben: Franklin Esqr. &ca &a &ca Passy.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

3Possibly Benjamin Brogden (Brogdan, Brogdon), a member of the Corporation of Surgeons (later the Royal College of Surgeons) who began practicing in London prior to 1735: The Medical Register For the Year 1783 (London, [1783]), p. 17; Peter J. Wallis and R. V. Wallis et al., Eighteenth Century Medics: Subscriptions, Licences, Apprenticeships (2nd ed., Newcastle upon Tyne, 1988), p. 78.

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