Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Vergennes, 23 May 1783

To Vergennes

ALS: Archives du ministère des affaires étrangères

Passy, May 23. 1783—


I beg leave to recommend earnestly to your Excellency’s Attention the enclos’d Petition and Papers from Mr. Price,2 an honest worthy American, who was to my Knowledge very serviceable to our Army in Canada, and much esteemed by the Congress.3 I shall be very thankful if you can procure for him the Order he desires. With great Respect, I am, Sir, Your Excellency’s most obedient & most humble Servant

B Franklin

M. le Comte de Vergennes.

Endorsed: M. De R. [Rayneval]

Notation: Envoyé le memoire à m le garde des sceaux4

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2James Price was pursuing a lawsuit against his partners William Haywood and John Bondfield. (Their associations, and Price’s trip to France, are mentioned in XXVIII, 413; XXIX, 330; XXXV, 338, 488; XXXVII, 40.) The enclosed papers have not been located, but they convinced both BF and Vergennes to intercede on his behalf; see Vergennes to BF, June 20 and June 26, below.

3See XXII, 360–1n; XXVI, 278n.

4The garde des sceaux was Armand-Thomas Hue de Miromesnil (XXI, 536n).

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