Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from James Lovell, 21 July 1781

From James Lovell8

ALS: Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copies: National Archives, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; transcript: National Archives

Philada. July 21. 1781


It does not appear that the Resolutions of June 26. affecting yourself & Colleagues as well as Mr. Dana have been transmitted.9

Mr. Presidt. McKean1 will take other Opportunities of Writing. I think it essential however in the mean time to forward duplicates which may serve for Information & perhaps Authority too to all concerned.

Your humble Servt.

James Lovell

Hon. Doctr. Franklin
Please to give Copies where proper.

Addressed: Honble. / Doctor Franklin / Passi / France

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8Writing on behalf of the committee for foreign affairs.

9Lovell enclosed a copy (Hist. Soc. of Pa.) of the resolution (JCC, XX, 699) that appointed Francis Dana secretary to the peace commission and made BF responsible for paying his salary. If, as proved the case, Dana had gone to St. Petersburg, the peace commissioners were authorized to select their own secretary, by majority vote if necessary.

1On July 10 Congress selected Thomas McKean (XXII, 578n) to succeed Samuel Huntington as its president: JCC, XX, 733.

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