Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Gérard de Rayneval, 30 June 1780

From Gérard de Rayneval

AL: American Philosophical Society

à vles. [Versailles] le 30 Juin 1780

Monsieur franklin trouvera ci-joint la lettre originale de M. adams;2 M. de Rayneval le prie de vouloir bien la luy renvoyer, aussitôt qu’il en aura fait tirer copie.3

Notation: De Raynval, Versailles le 10. Juin 1780.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2Presumably the recipient’s copy, now at the AAE, of JA’s June 22 memorandum to Vergennes, for which see JA to BF, June 29.

3Among BF’s papers at the APS is an undated letter from Rayneval to Chaumont, asking him to press for the return of the Adams correspondence.

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