Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from John Welsh, 16 August 1779

From John Welsh

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Cadiz 16 augt 1779


I presumed that my late partnership of Duff & Welsh has been known to you,5 as it has been for 16 years to most of the trading places on that Continent, it is now dissolved by the present change in publick affairs, as James Duff has retired home via Lisbon above a month ago, by wch means the liquidation of their accounts & business will be carried on hence forwd under my sole signature & shall be provd to render you or your friends any service in my power.

I have had several late consignments from america & such as have had the good luck to get home have made good bills(?) with salt wine &ca.

Yesterday I recd by the French Polacre Victorieux the inclosed letter under cover from our friends Messrs. Sam Ingles & Co. of Philadelphia6 wch affords me the pleasure of paying you my respects & to assure you I am Gentm Your most Hum Servt

John Welsh

The honourable Commissioner or Commissioners of the United States of america Paris

Addressed: To / The Honourable The Commissioner or / Commissioners of the United States of / America / at / Paris

Notation: J. Welsh 16 Augt. 79

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5BF doubtless knew of the merchant firm although this is the only mention of their name in his extant correspondence. James Duff was a particular friend of Robert Morris; see, for example, Deane Papers, I, 475, and for the firm, Smith, Letters, IV, 656.

6Samuel Inglis (1745–83) was associated with Willing, Morris & Co.: Ferguson, Morris Papers, III, 121–2n.

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